Sewer Specialists

“We’re #1 so you can go #2”

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Our Process

From pipe bursting, (Trench-less Sewer Installation) camera inspections, sewer snake & drain cleaning, we’ve got you covered when it comes to keeping up with your sewer line.

Generally, we replace from where the sewer exits the dwelling of the property to the city main, which is considered a full line replacement. If only a section needs to be replaced, and the rest of the line is up to city requirements, then it would be considered a spot repair.

Once the sewer line is replaced and inspected by a city inspector, we will back-fill, re-landscape to the best of our ability, replace any concrete or asphalt removed, and haul out any excess debris. Our services all come with the same promise of quality, dedication, and durability. Licensed and insured, El Sobrante Sewer will take care of your sewer line so you can live in comfort.

Who We Are

We are a small family owned business that has been servicing the Bay Area for over 25 years. Over time we have created our reputation by being honest and always providing our customers with highly competitive prices. With quality work and experience, we have become a house hold name. Our family will continue to support the community by repairing one sewer at a time!

Our Partners
